

The celebration of World Environment Day 2024 in our school was a significant event aimed at raising awareness about environmental conservation and promoting sustainable practices among students and staff. With a focus on this year’s theme of “Land restoration, Desertification, Drought resilience” the day was filled with engaging activities and educational initiatives to instill a sense of responsibility towards our planet.

  • Recognizing the urgent need to protect and restore our planet’s ecosystems, we emphasized the importance of addressing environmental challenges.
  • Through presentations and interactive activities, a deeper understanding of ecosystem restoration and the significance for biodiversity, climate resilience was explained.


The key highlights of our World Environment Day celebration were

  • Environmental quiz was
  • Poster making / book mark activity
  • A noteworthy aspect of our celebration was the active participation of teachers in planting saplings within the school premises. Recognizing the symbolic significance of this gesture, teachers enthusiastically volunteered to contribute to the greening of our environment.